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Pertussis/whooping cough vaccinations

You may have heard that whooping cough/pertussis is going around and affecting some people in our community. If you don't know, whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system and can lead to a serious long-term coughing illness and is particularly dangerous for babies. The National Public Health Service has now declared this a national epidemic. 


Whooping cough vaccines are fully funded for:

  • pregnant people from 13 weeks

  • all children under 18 years

  • adults aged 45 to 65 years.

Vaccinations and boosters for whooping cough are available at Greenhithe Medical Centre with a scheduled appointment. Please note, charges may apply if you do not qualify for the funded vaccination. If you are unsure if you need a vaccination, please call on 09 413 8562 to speak with the nurse.

More information about whooping cough can be found on the Health New Zealand website here.


After hours please phone 09 413 8562 to speak to an after hours nurse or go to

ShoreCare (phone 09 486 7777) at either Smales Farm or Northcross.


In a life-threatening situation phone 111 for an ambulance or go to your nearest Emergency Department.

Greenhithe Medical Centre

22 Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632

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